What Look Would You Like?

When you attend your appointment please attend with clean lashes.
Also, consider beforehand what look you may like?

If you have a picture of what you prefer… please bring that with you…..

If you have a picture of what you prefer… please bring that with you…..

Everyone is Different

Everyone’s lashes are different …
Some are long, some are short, some are fine, some are coarse, some are curly, some are straight…
NEVER expect your lashes to look like someone else’s !!
Lash Extensions take on the form of your natural lash.

Eyelash Shedding Cycle

The average person has 90-120 natural lashes per eye.
It is important to know that naturally we lose about 2-5 lashes per day. If you average 3 lashes per day, this is how many lashes are lost each week…

Lash infills should be done every 2-3 weeks to keep them looking full and beautiful.

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